Saturday, August 25, 2012

What you'll be if you have too many

The Mess. Between us that is all we have to say and we know we're talking about our favorite drink at The Point. It is one of those vodka, vodka, vodka, and a squeeze of lime kind of drinks that go down way too easily.

When the server took my order you could tell he knew I'd been there before. We shared one of those all knowing secret smiles before he said "ooohhhh good choice." And since his sister was tending bar that night, he told her to make it extra good for me. I really do love the south and the intimate relationships you make with strangers. 

So you know there are more things than just beverages at The Point, the build your own burgers are awesome and the chicken pot pie is delish. I was able to get a spinach salad as my side instead of fries. You know... 'cause I eat healthy and all. ;-) It has that cool adult local hangout feel even though there are families with kids enjoying it too. And if you are still hungry after, it is across the street from the fabulous desserts at Hayes Barton, but those deserve a post all their own.

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